© TeachZing 2017. Connecting dedicated and committed teachers with the most suitable schools and eduction institutes in China
Shane English offers amazing teaching opportunities to fun-loving, passionate teachers. Be part of a community and discover the beauty that is China.
As a long established, western-owned company in the EFL market, we have experience in providing courses, texts, training and teachers to our schools, ensuring that we offer our students the best possible opportunities to achieve their English learning goals.
We also understand that teachers are looking for a supportive, structured and secure working environment that will allow them to further develop their teaching skills, while affording them the opportunity to explore and learn about the great country of China.
Shane English School - Beijing
Floor 2, YingDu Mansion, Building B
No.A48 ZhiChun Road,
Haidian District,
Beijing 100086.
Phone: (86 10) 5683 3050
Email: recruitment@shane.com.cn
Web: http://shane-english-china.work
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